Tellabs VP Announces Plan to take Alarmed-Armored Cable to Private Enterprise Market

At the Tellabs Enterprise Workshop, taking place today in Washington, DC, a Tellabs Vice President announced Tellabs' plans to take Alarmed-Armored™ cable into the private enterprise market as part of a Secure-PON solution.

An Alarmed-Armored cable solution incorporates flexible interlocking armored cable infrastructure with NIS' Optical Network Security Technologies to provide continuous 24/7/365 rap-time monitoring of the network infrastructure as an integrated solution.

Passive optical networking (PON) is the same technology that brings fiber-based HDTV, high-speed Internet, and other powerful services to the home and the office building.   PON enables consolidation of all communications modalities in a single network architecture that’s easier to install, more cost-effective to build and operate, lower maintenance, faster, more robust, and highly secure.  When this single network infrastructure is deployed with an Alarmed-Armored cable solution an integrated Secure-PON solution provides the private enterprise market with the most cost effective, secure, and consolidated network infrastructure available.

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