

INTERCEPTOR FOCUSNX is our cutting-edge long-haul sensing technology that immediately detects and identifies any threat to your classified network infrastructure, while pinpointing its exact location.


The Network Integrity Systems INTERCEPTOR FOCUSNX™ Optical Intrusion Detection System utilizes Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology to monitor long-haul cables and pathways, up to 100km in length, with pinpoint location of any disturbances to your network communications cables, to 1-meter of resolution. 


The INTERCEPTOR FOCUSNX sends pulsed laser light into a single strand of single-mode optical fiber and monitors the Rayleigh backscatter from the reflected light. The Rayleigh backscatter pattern changes with acoustic and vibrational energy. Once the reflected pattern is received, it is processed and analyzed by advanced algorithms to determine the type of event, such as digging near buried conduit, cutting into conduit, and physical handling of the cable. The system will also provide precise location along the cable and monitor the event over time.LongHaulFocus-3


  • 24/7/365 monitoring of network cables detects tampering or intrusion events on optical communications cables
  • Monitors events along cables up to 100km in length
  • Identifies the exact location of the event in question
  • Detects and locates multiple simultaneous events at multiple locations
  • Low installation cost, using a single strand of telecommunications grade optical fiber
  • No bandwidth bottlenecks or degradation of network performance

Did You Know

INTERCEPTOR FOCUS can locate an intrusion event to as close as +/- 10 feet and show that location on a map.