Secure Your Fully Utilized Network Infrastructure with the INTERCEPTOR+Plus™ Optical Network Security System
In recent years, there has been a proliferation of network infrastructure upgrades and fiber optical cable installations– especially in Outside Plant (OSP) environments. Often these network infrastructure designs begin with sparing in mind, but the dynamic advancements in mission capability needs often leave government agencies with limited fiber capacity and the inability to afford spare fibers for optical monitoring & intrusion detection. Traditionally, this leaves these customers relying on Type-1 Encryption, to protect each active classified link within the OSP.
To help customers secure these fully utilized network infrastructures, Network Integrity Systems offers INTERCPETOR+Plus with patented Active Fiber Monitoring™ technology. INTERCEPTOR+Plus monitors the fibers carrying the network traffic – without processing any of the data. This means that INTERCEPTOR+Plus, like the standard INTERCEPTOR product, does not impact network bandwidth. INTERCEPTOR+Plus can also perform the same intrinsic monitoring as INTERCEPTOR, meaning a single channel can monitor an entire fiber bundle. Also, like INTERCEPTOR, the INTERCEPTOR+Plus channels can be used in a combination of active and dark fiber monitoring modes to provide the ultimate flexibility and future-proof protection.
For more information, please visit our website or contact us at 877.NIS.4PDS